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 Who is Peaceful Heart?  

Peaceful Heart is a metaphysical boutique located in historic downtown Oregon, Wisconsin.

Peaceful Heart strives to offer products and services that promote and enhance emotional and spiritual wellbeing. A person’s emotional wellbeing and sense of ‘self’ has a significant impact on the physical body and overall health of an individual.


We have many tools available including books, CD’s, classes, events and speakers to assist in understanding what our emotional needs are as an individual. We can then choose to create a healthy, balanced emotional environment or state of mind for ourselves.

At Peaceful Heart we also have a wide selection of unique, fun and uplifting gifts to share with the people in your life. Our jewelry features many different stones for beauty and healing qualities.


As well as music to soothe the soul, colorful scarves to express your inner deva, crystals to spark the imagination, Angel cards for guidance, or perhaps a space clearing spray for a friend – you can find it all here.


Whether its a time of celebration or a time for support and encouragement, we’ve got just the thing!

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