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A Time for Power

Updated: May 1

In my study of spiritual principles, I discovered that victimhood is not actually a part of the system, but instead was created by human consciousness in response to its collective sense of powerlessness. This sense of a lack of power is said to have risen as humans began living and prospering together in tribes and larger societies.


During those early stages of community development, there was a need for leadership such as a tribal chief or medicine man who would intuitively lead the people to water, good hunting grounds, shelter, etc.


On one hand this process worked well but people didn’t consciously understand that they were giving away their power to decide for themselves over to their leadership, who was now expected to care for them in return for the bestowed power.


There was nothing wrong with the scenario save for the fact that people didn’t fully realize they could take back their power to make their own decisions at any point, and over time created the mass conscious thought form of victimhood and lack of power.


Fast forward 7,500 years and here we are, a world rebelling against governments, dictators and the ruling class of the wealthy. A world-wide population of people who feel they are victims to the societies we created. We gave our power to rule ourselves over to people who seek to serve their own interests, not the collective needs of the whole.


People are pissed and they should be. It’s time we take our power back and start making constructive choices for ourselves and our communities. To do that, we must confront the inner programming of ‘loser’ victimhood that is hard-wired into human thought.


Unfortunately, there is a cost to slaying the dragon of victimhood, and that is called taking responsibility for ourselves and the choices we make.


A person can’t truly take their power if they don’t take responsibility. It’s a conundrum, and why people have a tough time walking away from the idea of being a victim. Life is easier if it’s someone else’s fault that bad stuff happens to us. This is the controlling subconscious thought form that each of us struggles to overcome.


This collective thoughtform is constantly working humanity softly fueling our anger, ‘Life is unfair, it’s not your fault, people are taking advantage of you and they need to pay for their wrongs.’ Lulling us into its convincing narrative.


This idea probably doesn’t sound half bad to a lot of people. Afterall look at how wildly successful Donald Trump has been at being a victim without taking any responsibility at all. In fact, he’s making a lot of money playing the victim.


A person might wonder how people with wealth, power and influence can claim to be a victim, which may be more accurately reflected by the impoverished and downtrodden, but that’s the beauty of victimhood – it’s a state of mind, not a reality.


The energy of victimhood is embedded in human thinking and is believed to be casting a shadow over the mind of human consciousness which degrades the physical matter of the brain leading to illness within the form. Eradicating victimhood from our belief system will improve our lives and increase self-esteem.


Humanity’s power lies in their power of choice and it is the human mind that creates. Every person on the planet is a creator. Each of us decides what we create, but just how do we extract ourselves from this sticky web of illusion?


First, we need to acknowledge the fact that it’s possible we ‘play’ the role of victim on a consistent basis by habit. We may even be using victimhood to excuse our bad behaviors or avoid being responsible. It may even shock us to realize just how much we use the energy of victimhood in our daily life.


For example, I recently flew to Tucson for a gem and mineral show. On the return flights home there were delays and it took an additional day and a half to get back to my very own gloriously comfortable bed. I had a choice to get angry and feel victimized or I could accept the situation and choose how I wanted to respond. Sure, I couldn’t control the flights, but that doesn’t make me a victim or powerless.


I also thought I had lost my cell phone at the airport. It had all my flight data, plus the rest of my life all rolled up into the tiny little parts inside of it. I realized that cell phone ruled my life and it had what I needed to get home. It was impossible not to feel powerless to that stupid piece of technology that society has made impossible for a human being to live without. I totally understand victimhood.


That’s how victimhood happens. It’s habitual thinking in the small everyday situations we go through. We can feel victimized by a job we hate, conflicts with a spouse or family obligations. Any time we feel wronged or put upon, we are feeling a sense of victimhood.


Taking one’s power is the process of replacing victimhood, when it arises, with the belief that no matter what happens, we have a choice in how we respond. We don’t have to like everything that happens to us and in fact we can hate situations that appear in our lives but being a victim is a choice that does not serve us.  


Human thought created victimhood and human thought can eliminate it with a little or maybe a lot of persistence.



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